Product award for the swift brand

On 09 March 2023, KUNSTSTOFF MAGAZIN honored the products of the year 2023. The journal addresses engineers, designers, executives and investment decision-makers in plastics processing sectors and publishes content and news from industry, production and technology. For the five categories Production, Robotics and Automation, Peripherals, Materials and Materials Processing, and Toolmaking and Design, awards have now been given to the products that were best received by the readership. motan also made it among the award winners, as the new swift product brand was able to prevail over 40 nominees in the category Peripherals. And since the decision is based on the ratings of KUNSTSTOFF MAGAZIN readers, the award directly reflects the opinion and experience of the target group.

With its cost-efficient entry-level models for standardized injection molding & extrusion applications, the swift product brand was able to achieve the first place in the peripherals category. Swift convinces with its simple modules, configurations and systems - uncomplicated, efficient and reliable. The KUNSTSTOFF MAGAZIN particularly cites the sCOMPACT dryer series as an example. Available in three versions, can support up to two processing machines, the dryers are versatile and flexibly applicable.
We are very proud of this award and thank KUNSTSTOFF MAGAZIN and all who voted for us.
Thank you!