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motan condemns Russian invasion of the Ukraine

We are shocked by the Russian invasion into the Ukraine and we condemn the attacks in the strongest possible terms. Putin is violating and betraying principles of international law and poses an immense threat to peace in Europe and the world. The only consequent response to the attacks is tough sanctions against Russia. We therefore fully support our government's decisions and the United Nations' call for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Ukraine. 


In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and our CSR policy, the protection of our employees and partners is our primary objective. Currently, motan has no own employees in the crisis areas. The office of our sales partners in Ukraine is closed. Business in Russia is currently only possible to a limited extent.

Against the background of the Russian invasion into the Ukraine, the management of the motan group has decided to discontinue business relations in Russia until further notice.

For the motan group we only expect rather minor direct economic effects. In particular with regard to payment transactions, through the suspension of air traffic as well as the development of exchange rates, we are facing challenges for which we are taking appropriate precautions. 

Unfortunately, the crisis will increasingly have indirect effects on the motan group. Rising energy and raw material prices as well as logistic costs will lead to a further increase in material costs and uncertainties in the supply chain. 
The situation is unpredictable, so we will always keep a critical eye on the development of the conflict. We will carefully plan our next steps, monitor them closely and take appropriate countermeasures. In our material procurement, for example, we rely on
local suppliers. In addition, we have already significantly increased the safety stocks in our warehouses in order to be able to cushion the expected price increases. 

As a global company, we are convinced that economic cooperation is a crucial factor for security and stability. Humanity and trust in partnerships are crucial values that sustain us all. Our thoughts are with the citizens and all those suffering in the areas
affected by the war. With a donation of 5,000€ we would like to make at least a small contribution to alleviating the suffering of the people in the Ukraine.

motan condemns Russian invasion of the Ukraine

FAQ on the Ukraine crisis

1.    What is your position on the Russian invasion into the Ukraine? 


We are appalled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and condemn the attacks in the strongest possible terms. Putin is violating principles of international law. His actions pose an immense threat to global peace. We stand fully behind the decisions of our government and support the tough sanctions imposed on Russia. We also stand behind the demands of the United Nations calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops in the Ukraine.


2.    Are you taking precautions to protect your employees and partners?

Yes, referring to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and our CSR policy, the protection of our employees and partners is our primary goal. Currently, motan has no employees of its own in the crisis areas. The office of our sales partners in Ukraine is closed. Business in Russia is currently only possible to a limited extent.


3.    Do you expect the conflict to have a direct impact on your company? 

For the motan group, we expect rather little direct economic impact. We are facing challenges, particularly with regard to payment transactions, the suspension of air traffic and the development of exchange rates, for which we are taking appropriate precautions.


4.    Do business relations continue to take place in Russia? 

Against the background of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the management of the motan group has decided to discontinue business relations in Russia until further notice.


5.    Do you expect any indirect effects of the conflict on the motan group? 

Yes. Unfortunately, the crisis will increasingly have an indirect impact on the motan Group. Rising energy and raw material prices as well as logistics costs will lead to a further increase in material costs and uncertainties in the supply chain. 


6.    What measures are you taking to counteract the effects on the motan group? 

The situation is unpredictable, so we will always keep a critical eye on the development of the conflict. We will carefully plan our next steps, monitor them closely and take appropriate countermeasures. In our material procurement, for example, we rely on local suppliers. In addition, we have already significantly increased the safety stocks in our warehouses in order to be able to cushion the expected price increases. 


7.    Does the motan group contribute to the support of those affected in the war zone? 

Yes, with a donation of 5,000€ we would like to make at least a small contribution to alleviate the suffering of the people in the Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the citizens and all those suffering in the areas affected by the war.

We are shocked by the Russian invasion into the Ukraine and we condemn the attacks in the strongest possible terms.

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